

Indoor Air Quality

When people talk about air quality they are usually referring to how pollution from cars, cigarettes and other pollutants affect the environment around us. The place that most people spend a majority of their time is in their home. It is important to have the best air quality here. This is a place where children are raised, meals are prepared and families sleep. It is important that the home air quality is not overlooked to ensure better health.

The indoor air quality can make a big difference to the comfort and health of the people occupying buildings. When indoor air quality is poor in places of work, people can find that their ability to concentrate and even the amount of time they take off sick is affected. This is known as Sick Building Syndrome.

The places you spend most of your time are those you should concentrate on most in improving the air quality. Because there is no way to circulate air that doesn’t have any type of air conditioning, many pollutants end up on the skin and inhaled into the lungs causing problems like asthma and skin conditions to worsen. Bacteria and fungi are known to cause additional health problems as well, but an air conditioning unit with a filtration system will ensure that you will always be breathing in clean fresh air.

Pollutants impact on health depends on their toxicity, concentration, exposure period, odor and irritation. The 2006 revision of the Building Regulations concerning ventilation (ADF) set performance criteria for several air pollutants, including VOCs, nitrogen dioxide and carbon monoxide.

Ventilation is important if you don’t have a way of filtering the air to stop it from becoming stagnant, but people want to feel comfortable. Opening your windows in the summer is a great way to let some natural air in, but unfortunately pollen and dust also makes its way in. In the workplace there are certain standards of indoor air quality that should be met, but in the home there are no such regulations.

Contaminants from the ground can also make their way into the home which can end up in the system. This includes pesticides, pollen or nearby crop dust. They aren’t meant for consumption which is why you are told to seek medical attention should they be swallowed or inhaled. Although people using them wear protective gear, others that are unintentionally exposed are not given this warning and over time the toxins build up in their systems. Some of the toxins have been known to cause cancers and lung diseases which are irreversible!

Why take the risk when we have a range of heating and air conditioning products that will keep you comfortable and safe the whole year round?

