

Gas & Propane

It is essential to utilize the burning of different fuels and gases to produce contained and sustainable heat during those cold winter nights. With temperatures dropping outside, having a reliable way to heat the environment within your house is pertinent to being comfortable and well. That is why Clark HVAC makes it possible to work on a number of different types of heating elements, no matter what their fueling source may be.

Many smaller homes and apartments operate smaller heating elements with gas or propane. With the ability to burn clean, slow and be stored safely, using gas and propane in a home’s heating element has been an efficient way since the 1950’s.

Our trained technicians take extreme care when working on propane lines and gas lines in a home’s basement or attic. All threading and connections are properly sealed when we work in the area to assure that even after our departure there is no possibility of a harmful gas leak. It’s also very important that we check every gas line and burning screen for buildup of dust or dirt to assure a clean and even burn. With us you won’t have to worry about anything being flammable or combustible due to heat and pressure build up.

Installing newer models of electric heaters can be costly and difficult if a home is already lined out for a gas or propane source. That is why our company makes sure to understand the ins and outs of these burning elements so that customers are comfortable upon contacting us to work on their heaters. We know that heating your home environment is important, but making large purchases or adjustments isn’t always in the budget. Let our trained and experienced heating technicians take care of your gas lines with ease at a competitive price.

Here at Clark HVAC we want to assure the best possible service for any installation of heating or ventilation systems. Contact our business today to schedule your HVAC visit.

